
Warm & Well

The Warm & Well in Merton campaign is raising awareness of the importance of staying healthy and active year-round, including during the warmer weather.

Warm & Well in Merton is a partnership between Wimbledon Guild, Merton Council, Age UK Merton and Thinking Works. We are on hand to provide you with free, confidential advice on transport, benefits, debt and housing support.

We can help you with:

Staying well in warmer weather

Although we are often glad for those sunny days, we have been experiencing much warmer weather the past decade, so we need to take extra care for our health as the temperatures soar. According to Public Health England, 1 in 5 homes in England are prone to overheating.

Do you know how to keep yourself and your home cool during the heat? 

When the warm weather hits…

Click below for more ways you can stay cool at home in hot weather:

Find out below what action you should take depending on the temperature:

For more information please call us on 020 8946 0735 or email: warmandwell@wimbledonguild.co.uk

Help us make sure that no one in Merton has to face life's challenges alone
